Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Life in Japan continues!

I know I have been MIA for a while but I'm back! Yay!
Since updating ALL my posts ALL at the same time would be overwhelming for you...(and for me as well, teehee :P) I've decided to slowly fill in the blanks later ~
Gomen nasai ごめんなさい(Sorry ^^;;) !
BUTTT despite the busy school days and graduation, Noah and I managed to do some "Hanami 花見" (watching cherry blossoms) last weekend.

Our first stop was Nanzenji, a peaceful temple in Kyoto, to walk along a path that has cherry-blossomed-trees on both sides. Although there were many people who came for Hanami, we enjoyed our own little Hanami nonetheless. Here are some pictures I took with my KissX50. Enjoy!

Stay tuned for more Hanami posts~ 0(^v^)0