Monday, July 23, 2012

Went to Costco because I miss home...

I miss home. Especially after all these crazy dramas going on at school, I never missed home more. But there's a remedy for this homesickness ... COSTCO!

I felt MUCH better after my hang-out with my friends at Costco. People in Japan also seem to like going to Costco as much as we Americans do (Honestly, I never enjoyed going to Costco until I got to Japan). We were bombarded with hundreds of people trying to seize a cart as soon as one became available. But yay, we all made it out of Costco alive despite the crowd.
Side note:
I remember when I asked my mom about getting a Costco card for myself, she said, "why would you need one when we already have two?" It made me feel like a kid trying to ask mommy to buy candies. But when I finally got my own Costco card in Japan, it felt like I finally entered adulthood. Hehe I was so proud of myself! ^_____^ And I guess you can say the same for Yuya.

We got beef lasagna, pre-made pasta, and all other homesick-remedies from Costco. But the highlight of our trip was the Costco food! We never felt fuller. Satisfied..mmMmmm.
The crowd lining up for the cashier 


Somebody is happy :D

The giant hot-dog!

Monday, July 2, 2012

A visit to a pet shop near my school! :D

After postponing for many many weeks, the petshop trip finally happened!! One thing to note: pet stores are very very different from the ones in the states! They sell animals that are illegal in America! =O

A baby ram

I forgot to take pictures of the monkeys! ><
Oh! and they have U-pa-lu-pa (the tadpole-like amphibians that were in Totoro)!

Osaka castle and Noah's birthday (Star Wars Day)!

Noah's birthday was on the 4th of May (May the fourth be with you!) so we decided to celebrate it with two of our friends Kimura and Chie! We went to Osaka castle. The view from the castle top floor was breath-taking. However, in all honesty, I didn't enjoy the actual tour of the castle that much. Maybe it was because I was expecting the inside to be the actual castle instead of the modernized slide shows of Japanese history. It was a pleasant tour but not very memorable. Although I have to admit the highlight of the tour was the yukata and the samurai helmets!! I really enjoyed that particular moment! :D

Haru ga kita (春が来た)

I know spring is longgg gone and it's summer in Japan right now but I wanted to share the beautiful flower blossoms that I get to experience (near school actually). Please enjoy!