Monday, July 23, 2012

Went to Costco because I miss home...

I miss home. Especially after all these crazy dramas going on at school, I never missed home more. But there's a remedy for this homesickness ... COSTCO!

I felt MUCH better after my hang-out with my friends at Costco. People in Japan also seem to like going to Costco as much as we Americans do (Honestly, I never enjoyed going to Costco until I got to Japan). We were bombarded with hundreds of people trying to seize a cart as soon as one became available. But yay, we all made it out of Costco alive despite the crowd.
Side note:
I remember when I asked my mom about getting a Costco card for myself, she said, "why would you need one when we already have two?" It made me feel like a kid trying to ask mommy to buy candies. But when I finally got my own Costco card in Japan, it felt like I finally entered adulthood. Hehe I was so proud of myself! ^_____^ And I guess you can say the same for Yuya.

We got beef lasagna, pre-made pasta, and all other homesick-remedies from Costco. But the highlight of our trip was the Costco food! We never felt fuller. Satisfied..mmMmmm.
The crowd lining up for the cashier 


Somebody is happy :D

The giant hot-dog!

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