Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Finally! 3 Job Offers!

Busy, busy, busy...I know I haven't been updating my blog but I've been extremely busy with going to interviews non-stop for the past week. But it's all worth it in the end! I have gone to 6 interviews in total and I had 3 job offers. Not bad for someone who just got to Japan, I guess. Two weeks is a very short time, people say. But I would like to thank you all for the support!
So, what kind of experiences did I get from going to interviews after interviews? Well, at least I know how to sing "Old McDonald had a farm" VERY well now. (I made flash cards of farm animals and demonstrated my teaching skills by singing the song with the kids).

Oh and I also found out a really messed up school that tells you "We would like to offer you a full time job. Please let us know by tomorrow so that we can process your work visa" and screws you over by saying "We didn't realize your visa would take a month, so we apologize, we don't wanna hire you anymore." But my overall experience of finding a teaching job in Japan is not bad at all. I met some really really awesome people and I'm very happy and proud to announce that both Noah and I are working with those people! Acorn and Tree House are our school names! Here are the links:
Noah's school ACORN : 
Yanna's school TREE HOUSE :
So since we got our jobs, what's next? CELEBRATION and SHOPPING!! We got Takoyaki (which is one of Osaka delicacies)

and went bento (lunch box) shopping yesterday and today. I also got new shoes since I didn't bring any sneakers from America.
We went to a department store called Loft, which is pretty much like a Hyakin but things sold at a more expensive price and of better quality. It reminded me of Target in America, well at least it was Target until the 6th floor. The 6th floor turned into Urban Outfitters and the 7th floor turned into Ikea. LOL But we found lots of goodies that are very useful.

My shoes, my bento box

My thermo-flask

The red button is a coaster in case you're wondering...o.<

My lunch bag

After work related things, I tried to find a duffle bag or something like a duffle bag to put my things when I go to Tokyo. Look what I found?!  and yes, that whole big bag was inside that little bag. Japan is AMAZING at making things useful and efficient.

This is Noah's thermo-flask/tea flask and his bento box.


  1. Stuffs look very interesting! i like the big button. is it for your coat? I like noah's thermo coffee mug! What's in the box for the last photo?

  2. Congrats Yanna!

    The button coaster is just too adorable.
