Friday, February 24, 2012

First few days of work

I love my job. I really do. What's better than getting to see cute kids everyday while you sing and do arts and crafts with them? (Just my opinion though). We have our trouble maker, a happy elf (who, btw, looks just like me when I was a toddler), monkey, Mr. ShinKanSen (who knows all the train "stops" along the regular train line he takes), Mr. stubborn, a princess, a kid that never talks, Ms, Pe-ra Pe-ra (because she talks too much), and a slow eater. Yes, 9 kids in total. It's very very entertaining to be with them. They always always crack me up, especially when they do their Jump-and-Roll game. They would have to jump from what looks like a stool onto a big, long gym mat, and roll. They all jump well, but roll in many different ways. One kid has her butt in the air and falls side ways to "roll". Another kid holds his breath before he jumps. Our trouble maker would roll off the mat on purpose and would giggle hysterically if the teacher "yells" at him for being naughty. 

Our staff is awesome as well. Although unfortunately I might not end up working with them since our boss is going to transfer me and another new teacher to a different school. But overall, we will be in essentially the same environment (staff-wise at least). 

Today, my boss told me that I have really long arms and legs. He was saying that I remind him of Kamaji (the six-armed man from "千と千尋の神隠し(Sen to Chihiro no Kamikaushi) aka Spirited Away." He said I might have to help him get things from high up the shelves since I have really long arms. LOL I love my boss as well. He is very very kindhearted and caring. He loves to make jokes. He gives off a very pleasant qi (or atmosphere). :)

Side note: if you haven't watched Spirited Away, you definitely should check it out! (Ghibli should pay me for this shout out ;P )

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