Sunday, February 12, 2012

Yanna is a Water Fairy! (What?!) and more food!

"Drip...drop...drip...drop." This was the sound that we woke up with. Our room had water coming out from the ceiling near our closet. Oh Noes! We contacted our landlord to send someone to fix the water problem. (Side note: Wai Phyo, Nandar, Jess, Kevin, and Jonathan, if you guys are reading this, you know water problem follows me everywhere. Lol. Noah started calling me Water Fairy).

Anyways, (poopyhead!) we couldn't do anything but to move in to the third floor (the other apartment available). While we waited for the gas-guy to come and turn on the gas for us (again), we went to Mos Burger. (Yayee! Food time! ^^)

I had my first "Ebi BaaGaa" (Shrimp Burger) at Mos Burger. It was the BEST burger I've ever had! It was crunchy too! (Side note: this is just my opinion, it might not give the same experience for the others). Noah had "Teriyaki BaaGaa" (Teriyaki Burger). Noah's one was really delicious as well but I like mine better! MmmMMMm!

Ebi Burger (Shrimp Burger)

Teriyaki Burger

Iced Tea and Melon Soda 

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