Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hiro's Visit!

We started applying for jobs today. Funny fact: it is illegal to request a picture of the job applicant in America, but it is "preferred" to send your resume with your recent picture in Japan. After the busy busy job applications in the morning and the afternoon, my reward awaits in the evening.
My Job Application Picture

Hiro's Visit!
Hiro's a friend of ours when we were in Davis. We contacted him on Skype and he came to visit us! Yayee x)
We met up for dinner and we had OkonomiYaki (I don't know how to describe/translate this one so you'll just have to see the pictures and decide!). The shop is very Japanese. You have to take off your shoes (as shown in the picture) in order to sit down and eat.

I was so glad he came because now we have a rice cooker and a hair dryer! Rice cookers are expensive here. It's like $100 for a 4-cup size one! But thanks to Hiro, we got a great deal! It was around $60 for the 3-cup size. But the highlight of the shop was the super tiny/cute vacuum cleaners at the store!


  1. rice cookers? I thought they were vacum cleaners! lol what were you guys eating???

    1. They are vacuum cleaners (the ones in the picture). I didn't post our rice cooker picture.
