Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Finally off to Dotonbori!

I've been living in Osaka for about a month now, but I've never tried being a tourist. The first two weeks I was in Osaka, I was applying and searching for jobs. In my third week, I was already working. So I never had a chance to actually "visit" Osaka until now!
Thanks to Nobu, Tsukushi and Hiro, Noah and I went around Osaka as tourists.
I've been wanting to visit Doutonbori ever since I saw it on TV in America. (Wei Phyo, thanks to you I got to see the TV program o.<). When I finally got an apartment in Osaka I felt like I HAD to visit Doutonbori!
When we decided to meet up with Nobu, Tsukushi and Hiro in front of Hep Five Mall near Osaka station, I had no idea that Nobu was gonna take us to Doutonbori!
After having a delicious Omuraisu (Omelet Rice) with everyone at Hep Five food court, we decided to bura-bura suru (walk around) in Osaka. Tsukushi told me we were gonna take a picture with a famous ad but I didn't know it would be in Doutonbori!

I've been talking about Doutonbori this, Doutonbori that but I haven't told you what Doutonbori is famous for yet.
Here it is: Doutonbori is now famous for the regional food (Osaka) but back in the days, it was famous for Kabuki and Bunraku theaters (masks and puppet theaters). Unfortunately the historic theaters didn't survive the war so now only restaurants that were catered towards the tourists and pleasure-seekers are left in Doutonbori. Nonetheless, it is a great place to visit if you ever get to Osaka! Doutonbori has flamboyant neon signs that's been there since the old days.

Ok, now back to my life. We got to the famous Glico sign and we took our group picture. Then I saw an octopus sign that looked familiar. So I said, "Oh! I've seen that on TV before! It's near Doutonbori!" and that's when Nobu replied, "This IS Doutonbori!!!!" LOL xD

Our first group picture (turns out one of Noah's students is the grandchild of the person who started the Glico company! xD)

The Octopus that reminded me of Doutonbori

Noah trying to eat the Octopus

After realizing that we were in Doutonbori, I started taking pictures non-stop. I took a picture of the crab sign (Kani Doraku) I saw on TV with Wei Phyo.

While looking at the historic flamboyant signs, we found a new sign from Meiji where we could stand in front of the shop camera to take a picture of us on the sign. After a few trials and a few "sumimasen(sorry)" to the line behind us, we finally got  the group picture on the Meiji sign!

Meiji (famous snack brand)
 In addition to the big crab sign, I found many other gigantic signs that were interesting (and famous).
Takoyaki sign (Osaka is famous for takoyaki) 
Doutonbori's #1 takoyaki stand

The famous sushi and fugu fish (Zuboraya) place in Doutonbori
After walking on Doutonbori, we decided to go shopping at G.U. (near Doutonbori) for work clothes since it was on sale! G.U. is THE place to buy cheap clothes in Japan.
Look how much we bought! xD
Happy Yanna! :D
After G.U., it's Karaoke time! Hiro had to go back home after G.U. so it was just me, Noah, Tsukushi and Nobu. It was fun nonetheless! :D
If there's Yanna and Tsukushi, there has to be karaoke time! xD

The free drinks we got with the deal
It was awesome to hear Tsukushi sing. I missed this girl! She has a beautiful voice. :)

After a long AWESOME day with AWESOME friends, we all headed home to rest up for the next day for work.
The night view of Doutonbori as we came out of the Karaoke place

1 comment:

  1. hey no problem..I was like, which TV show was she talking about, until I saw the big octopus sign. Glad you had fun! ONe picture of octopus is enough for me! don't take it so many! =P U need to go to WWII memorial place one day if there is one!
