Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tree House Graduation

Last Friday I was very busy with preparing for our school graduation and running around to get my work visa (I finally have it now! Yay!!). Nonetheless, I still managed to take pictures! :P

I am very proud of all my students who graduated this year! It was a very emotional moment for all of us. Especially Mairi (one of the kindest students I've ever met!) who cried throughout the whole ceremony! I will miss all the K3 kids very very much!

(From left to right, Sil-Young, Mairi, Misaki, Kureha)

(with K3 boys)

So proud of them! :)

Little Mairi crying :(
 K3 students performed "Seasons of Love" by Rent after they gave their speeches.

After K3 certificate were handed out, All K1,K2, and K3 kids sang "You'll be in my heart" to everyone.
Tanaka sensei (our president) also shed emotional tears while giving his speech to K3 kids. Almost all the teachers cried because they were sad to say good-bye to the kids they taught for either a year or two years. And for Mairi, she's been at Tree House ever since she was a baby. Tree House will miss her very much!
I will also miss all the teachers and the students who are leaving Tree House next year! They are AWESOME ppl!

And btw, I'll be teaching the kids who are in yellow sweaters, standing up in the font line.

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