Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tokyo Trip! SUPER FUN! (but sick) xP

Hello readers! I haven't updated my blog for a long time now. And I know some of you are aware of the fact that I was in Tokyo last weekend but I didn't have a chance to update the blog because I was sick.
I went to Tokyo, solo (yay rhymes! xD) by bus. Noah couldn't come with me because he had work on Saturday. Also, he couldn't come with me because I was planning to stay at one of my best friend's place.
Her name is Jullian. She's Chinese-Burmese just like me and we speak the same exact four different languages: Burmese, English, Mandarin and Japanese. (yay!)
My Tokyo trip was superb! Despite the fact that I was sick (with fever) most of the time, thanks to my friend (s), I had loads of fun! :D
I took the overnight bus to Tokyo so that I would arrive at around 7am for Julie (I call her Julie) to come pick me up at the station. I was about to walk to one of the pay phones (since I don't own a cell phone in Japan yet) when I ran into her. The first thing she did was took me to her place to leave my bags and stuff. At around 10am, I had an appointment with a hairdresser to trim/cut my hair. One of my friends I met in Davis (Yuki) called Julie's ph to talk about the rendezvous while I was at the hair salon. After the haircut, we went to meet up with Yuki at the train station we agreed to meet up. We decided to have lunch at a Singaporean restaurant because I terribly miss eating those giant delicious crab dishes I used to eat in Singapore. After lunch, Yuki had to say goodbye to us because she had an appointment later in the day :(
Yummy crab dish

(From left to right) Julie, Yanna, Yuki

But Julie took me to Shibuya 109 to go shopping after our delicious lunch! :D
Shibuya crossings is one of the most famous tourist spots in Tokyo. You can youtube 'Shibuya crossing' to see how many people crosses the intersection per day! I've never seen soo many people in one place just to do shopping in my life until I got to Shibuya!
We visited some clothing stores, and of course can't miss out on the Disney store and many other stores that are popular in Japan.
Julie got me a BIGGG STITCH as a present! It was one of the best days of my life! :D
Even though I kept telling her not to get me the big one because I'd have to carry it all the way back to Osaka, she insisted on getting me the big one. She's such a sweetheart! <3

Some set-up they had at the Disney 

Yay! Pink stairs! :D

We got ice-cream for dessert at Baskin-Robbins (even when I was sick) xP.
Cupid Heart and Macha Flavors

We stayed at Shibuya for the whole day to shop around and headed to Julie's Burmese restaurant for dinner! I miss Burmese food and mom's cooking so much! Julie's mom made Kyay Owe (noodle soup dish) for me because I was sick. She was super awesome!

After dinner, we went back home to relax and recharge for the next day!
We woke up in time for brunch and went to to Tokyo's #1 Ramen place (sorry no pictures because I was too hungry and the food was too delicious that I forgot to take photos xP). We went to Harajuku after lunch for more shopping! yay! :D
Harajuku had loads and loads of people in one street. That's the ONLY street that's crowded around that place. Nonetheless, I got some cheap hair accessories, a sweater, and some socks for Noah :) We also had crepe for dessert at Harajuku. It was nommy! :D
OMG! Lots of ppl again! =O

Waiting in line for our crepe at Harajuku

Mmm, nommy crepe!

Harajuku was pretty crowded so we changed our location to a not-as-crowded-as-Harajuku famous tourist place called Shinjuku. We took puri-kura pictures at Shinjuku and ate yummy fruits to calm our ramen-filled-super-full tummies. Tokyo has an interesting way to sell fruits. They put chopsticks in the freshly cut fruit so that it will be less messy to eat while we walk.
At Shinjuku (I look super sick there lol)

Yay! fruit!

After a long day of touring around and shopping, our legs finally decided to give up on us so we went to Starbucks for snacks and drinks. It was time for me to leave Tokyo after Starbucks and Omiyage (souvenir) shopping. I dragged myself to the designated bus station with Julie while we waited for my bus to come. (And don't forget that I also had to carry my BIG bag of Stitch! ><;;)
food!! x)

I don't wanna go home yet ><;;

I had a great weekend although I was sick most of the time.
Went straight to work from the station but went back home early because I completely lost my voice during the day. Missed work on tuesday but it was worth it! I had so much fun in Tokyo! Thank you chit tone gyeee~ I love you soo much Julie! <3

(photo credits to Jullian <3)

1 comment:

  1. Listen cousin. I need you need help. You are addicted to forbidden creature(alien) from another planet named Stitch. You should consider psychological consulting services provided from your employer. LMAOOOOO
